How to Start a Farming Business
This is a practical beginners course for anyone curious about starting their own farm & becoming an agri-preneuer.
Welcome to your "How to start your farming business" course!
About your instructor: years of on-the-ground experience at your disposal
Your farming business plan
Deciding what you are going to farm
The production systems on your farm
Farm waste: the hidden opportunity all around you
Understanding energy systems and how you can make them work for you
Understanding water and turning it to your advantage
Selling what you produce
Creating a business plan
Why your vision and mission matters!
Your operations
Your production systems
Your financial systems
Your enterprise
The circular enterprise: why knowing that it is can increase turnover and reduce costs
What is a circular enterprise?
The opportunity that is right in front of you
Traceability and why it matters more than you think
Marketing and distribution
Biological processes: a primer
Fundamentals of farming design
A message to farmers
A message to those who think they don't have much