How to figure out if you have a good business idea
CorsoPerspectives from experienced entrepreneurs and mentors on how to figure out if you have a good business idea.
How to raise funding for your business
CorsoExperienced entrepreneurs sharing advice they wish they had around finding funding for their businesses
How to find your first clients for your business
CorsoA collection of advice given by experienced entrepreneurs around finding those crucial first clients
Plans vs reality: real life experiences around growing a business
CorsoExperienced entrepreneurs sharing their experiences around growing a business and how it differed from what they thought it would be.
Concorsi di Architettura per la Rigenerazione Urbana
CorsoIl corso si rivolge a Sindaci e Amministratori che desiderano riqualificare il proprio territorio avvalendosi della collaborazione di numerosi architetti che, attraverso concorsi indetti dal Comune, possono contribuire con idee e progetti innovativi.
Come educare i vostri figli a un uso corretto del WEB
CorsoCome educare i vostri figli a un uso corretto del WEB. Un corso per genitori che vogliono proteggere i loro figli dai rischi della rete, dei social media e dalle conseguenti dipendenze.