What can you expect from this course?

Course content

    1. 1 - Introduction

    2. 2 - Course Explanation

    1. 3 - Celebrating uniqueness

    2. 4 - The purpose of human design

    3. 5 - Exploring human design

    4. 6 - Looking at the human profile

    5. 7 - Energy types

    6. 8 - Helpful design courses

    7. 9 - Change in our lives

    8. 10 - Exchanging energy

    9. 11 - Understanding relationships

    10. 12 - Why to learn my employee's human design

    1. 13 - Conclusion

Course information

  • Gratis
  • 13 lezioni
  • 0 ore di contenuti video

Your instructor

Dana Goren

As a 5/1 Sacral Generator, I let my Sacral responses guide the way for 30+ years until it led me to Human Design, which I now use to fuel my passion of helping people live a happier, easier, more aligned, and meaningful life. After 17 years in Advertising, Design and Tech where I got to work with people to maximize their potential, I'm now focused on this full time through co-active coaching and Human Design readings.

You can find me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/danagoren

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